Forum Discussion

kumar_gaurav_32's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 16, 2018

zrd,named went in down state

Hi all.


I have configured GTM lab on the machine. I have configured 2 DNS server and 2 LTM in my lab. when i ran bigip_add of LTM server, DNS and LTM successfully exchange certificates. But when i ran gtm_add of 2nd DNS, then nemed and zrd went to downstate. I am unable to troubleshoot this. Please suggest what to do ??




  • Hi Kumar,


    Are you still experiencing the same issue?


    I have recently configured two GTM's [STAND ALONE] and have them syncing configuration. They are both running on version 14. Immediately after running gtm_add command I noticed that the zrd daemon is displayed as down in TMSH


    I have included a couple of screen grabs.


    It seems that I rectified this issue and perhaps you can try the same steps, perhaps it will help.


    1. Backup GTM config's
    2. Remove GTM's from Server configuration (You can perform this on any of the GTM's)
    3. Recreate the GTM servers from the device that you would like to use as the "Primary" GTM
    4. Run gtm_add on the device which will have its config replaced with the Primary gtm

    It seems that the configuration from our side used the management IP on the gtm_add command. Once we executed the gtm_add command with the selfIP of the primary GTM it started working


    Config sync worked during the zrd DOWN, however when you use the zonerunner to create RR's they did not save. We also noticed a DB error message when trying to access named configuration from the GUI


  • I am also facing the same issue. zrd service down.

    Please suggest there is any workaround we can do.