Forum Discussion

Ferg_104721's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 28, 2011

Work-around if you dont have www SSL




This is a work around if your need a client needs to be able to have a DNS entry for * but doesn't want to pay for a SAN cert which has www.* and *



This will not get them www working in the browser window. (unless you could capture the SSL error and force a redirect)



Scenario: 2 VIPS, one on 80, one on 443. SSL for 443 has *, 2 irules. The 80 VIP is setup like a 80 to 433 redirect VIP but instead of a class use irule for 80. The seconf irule is if you need to strip the www. for the backend servers.





*user connects to gets through as expected


*user connects to, irule 80 looks for www. strips the www. from header and redirect to https:// with correct header information, SSL kciks in and all is gravey.


*user connects to gets through as expected


*user connects to, fail as youe SSL cert is * (SSL error capture may help here, but i only just thought of that.)




443 VIP irule





if {[HTTP::header value Host] contains "www."} {


set org_header [HTTP::header value Host]


set new_header [string range [HTTP::host] 4 end]


HTTP::header replace Host "$new_header"







80 VIP irule




if {[HTTP::header value Host] contains "www."} {


set new_header [string range [HTTP::host] 4 end]


HTTP::redirect https://$new_header[HTTP::uri]


} else {


HTTP::redirect https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]







If this makes no sense at least i havent hurt anyone, if it helps soemone sweet :D





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