Forum Discussion

N_67263's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 30, 2011

what does "Total Cycles 4.3P" mean?

One of our develoment person asked us what do you mean by "Total Cycles 4.3P" and "Idle Cycles 46.5T" on the F5 LTM. I would like to know this answer and also check where on the GUI are these values being seen. These have some relation to the CPU.




  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Nikhil,



    See these links for details:







    iRules Optimization 101 - 05 - Evaluating iRule Performance




  • Hi Aaron,



    Many thanks.



    I am not sure if that answers the question of what is meant by "Total Cycles 4.3P". What does the "P" in that mean, similarly what does "T" mean. Where in the GUI do you think we should see this?






  • Ok, I see where in the GUI are these values coming from...



    Once you click on Overview --> Traffic Summary I see the "Traffic Management CPU Usage" feild which displays the following values:



    Total Cycles 5.4P


    Idle Cycles 58.4T


    Sleep Cycles 5.3P



    What do they mean and how are they being calculated?







    Nikhil Kulkarni.


  • is it what u r looking for?



    Timing iRules




  • hth, that's not what I am looking for. I am only looking for the Overall CPU management of the F5.



    What I see in my F5 device is on Overview --> Traffic Summary I see the "Traffic Management CPU Usage" feild which displays the following values:



    Total Cycles 5.4P


    Idle Cycles 58.4T


    Sleep Cycles 5.3P



    I think I have found the answer that when it says 5.4P the "P" just means Perabyte and "T" means Terabytes.



    However I would still like to check how these are calculated? What do the values actually tell?




    - Nikhil



  • even they were talking about irule's cpu cycle, i think how cpu cycle is calculated is same.
  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    They're multipliers (Sometimes referred to as a prefix because they're specified IN FRONT of the unit)....



    P = Peta (10^15)


    T = Terra (10^12)


    G = Giga (10^9)


    M = Mega (10^6)


    k = kilo (10^3)



    So 5.4P is 5.4x10^15... Or 54 followed by 14 zeroes...



    (And it's not PetaByte, that wouldn't make sense... 5.4 PetaByte Total Cycles just isn't a real thing. It would be 5.4PetaCycles perhaps... [Not Hz BTW, A Hz is 1 cycle/second and there's nothing said about time here])





  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    Oh... Case is important here... A minor bugbear of mine... So... If I may digress slightly (Hey, you don't HAVE to read it :)...



    M != m because M=Mega and m=milli. Likewise b=bit, and B=Byte. Thus



    mb is actually milli-bits... And k (kilo) is ALWAYS lower case. Especially if we're talking about SI units...



    Sigh.... I feel better now...