Forum Discussion

That_guy_122842's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 20, 2013

Webtop portal in an iFrame

Is there a way to allow a webtop to be opened in an iframe?


As of right now we're getting an error "This content cannot be displayed in a frame"


I understand the security risks, but.. the customer is always right.


  • I'd link to bump this post, as i've got kind of the same problem. My customer likes to embed the webtop (by using a iFrame) in his own portal. (Said portal is hosted on the same F5 units, under the same dns domain by the way.)

    I managed to clear most of the webtop's default layout using the advanced customization mode, and even disabled the 'framekiller' javascript line below in ''.

    `(if(self != top) { top.location = self.location; })`

    Unfortunately the webtop also sends a HTTP header "X-Frame-Options" with a value of "DENY", which prevents the browser from loading the webtop in a iFrame. I tried replacing the header with a iRule, but for some strange reason that won't work either 😞

    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
        HTTP::header replace "X-Frame-Options" "SAMEORIGIN"

    This just adds another X-Frame-Options header with a value of "SAMEORIGIN" and does not replace the exsisting ...

    So, i am wondering, is there a specific reason why a webtop cannot be used in a iframe? Has anyone managed to load a webtop in a (i)frame ?

    Thanx, Remco.