Forum Discussion
VS and Pool Members with multiple ports
how can i cover one VS with multiple ports for a pool member listening for same ports.
VS udp
pool members
Node1: udp
Node1: udp
Node1: udp
Alos, is pool can contain same members with different ports ?
In previous experience you would configure a virtual server per port if it's limited to a small amount of ports such as what you have provided. You would then configure a pool per port and associate that pool to the virtual server. You can have the same IP with different ports in the same pool but not a range of ports. If you wanted to allow the F5 to balance the entire range of UDP ports you could configure a VS listening only on that IP, UDP, and no port. You can then configure an iRule to a pool selection based on the port that was hit on the virtual server. I don't recommend doing it this way because it complicates things when you could keep it simple and just configure a VS and pool for each port you would like to use.
- zamroni777Nacreous
create 11 vservers.
1 for each udp only need to create 1 pool.
put all 33 servers into it then bind the pool to 11 vserver above.pool member doesnt need to be same port as the vserver because f5 vservers does L4 proxy.
- IredaCirrostratus
Thanks for reply
I can create one VS by * port and one pool for 3 pool members but pool members will repeat for each port.
VS =* port
pool members
Node1: udp
Node2: udp
Node3: udp
Node1: udp
Node2: udp
Node3: udp
and so one
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