Forum Discussion

Chad_Erickson_0's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 07, 2013

VMware Horizon View iAPP VDI + HTML5


This is my first post and I am not an F5 guru but I am wondering if anyone has gotten all the ports working for VMware Horizon View and the latest iApp for Horizon View. I am specifically wondering if anyone has gotten HTML5 to the desktop working in their environment. We have 4 brokers all running View 5.2. Accessing the individual servers works fine using HTML5. When trying to add 8443 it appears like it will work but it looks like it failing on the connection to the Broker after Authentication. From a Network trace it appears we connect on 443 (authentication) to one broker and then when we try to connect to 8443 (HTML 5 access to the desktop) it fails. If I disable 3 of the 4 pool members it works every time. If I enable 2 of the 4 pool members if fails 50% of the time.... 

Any advice?


  • I may have to just ignore the internal HTML issue. If I replace the certificates, they would be using the VMs hostname, the HTML blast redirects me to the IP address of the VM so it would show a certificate error regardless. I'm most likely not going to have internal users using HTML very often, but I was trying to provide it as an option. Thanks again for your assistance.


  • Pazman's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Any chance that the View iApp template will be updated to support HTML5 clients when NOT using the APM? Would be nice to have it created the additional virtual server on 8443 and modify the persistence profile for match across services without having to turn off strict updates for the application configuration.