Forum Discussion

Matus_Lenhart_3's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 20, 2018

vLab IP address space

Hello,   I have a general question regarding vLab IP assignment. Is there a way how to change the IP addresses used for internal host within LAMP_v6 image without screwing the vLab functionality? ...
  • Matus_Lenhart_3's avatar
    Feb 20, 2018

    OK, I managed it by myself. For anyone interested, you can modify the IPs in Network Settings manager via GUI :) and also modify apache conf files to corresponds with new IPs :)


    Files needed to be edited:


    /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ServerX.conf (replace X with server id number, like Server1.conf, Server2.conf etc)


    Don't forget to restart apache server:


    sudo service apache2 reload; sudo service apache2 restart