Forum Discussion

clay584_103411's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 20, 2015

Virtual Servers on Loopback Network



I am doing a conversion from Cisco ACE to F5, and the ACE is configured in such a way that the VIP network is defined as a loopback interface, so it doesn't exist as a real VLAN on the wire. The upstream router has a point-to-point routed link to the ACE and has a static route for the VIP network to go to the ACE's routed interface. I am trying to duplicate this configuration on F5, and I have successfully created a loopback interface and created virtual servers that are IP addresses on the loopback network. Are there any downsides or problems with doing it this way that I should be aware of?






  • Hi,


    I've created VSs that are not in one of the F5 directly connected networks and also ones that are. If I understand correctly you don't need to create any special networks for VSs that are not on the same network as the self-ip. All you need is a route in upstream router to the self-ip and as long as the VS is enabled (listening) on that vlan then client traffic will hit it ok.

