Forum Discussion

kavi_49464's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 21, 2014

Virtual Address Entry

Is it possible to have virtual address ip existing without a virtual server??? I saw such an ip existing in version 10x and 11x devices in virtual addres list of device GUI.


  • A virtual address is created when you create a virtual server with a unique IP address. In other words, if you have 3 virtual servers with the same IP and separate ports, the virtual address will only be created by the first virtual server creation, and is similar to the way nodes are created when a pool is created. If you've seen a virtual address in the GUI without a corresponding virtual server, the likely cause is that the virtual server was deleted and (for whatever reason) the corresponding virtual address was not also deleted. You can technically create a virtual address from the command line:

    tmsh create / ltm virtual-address [ip address]
    • kavi_49464's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi Vitaliy, Thanks for the link. But my doubt is I have seen a virtual address ip existing without a virtual server in device GUI. Can you please tel me how is that possible ?
  • One way to get this is change an ip address for existing VS, an old virtual address remains in the configuration.


  • One way to get this is change an ip address for existing VS, an old virtual address remains in the configuration.