Forum Discussion

Shiva_69966's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 29, 2012

Vip failover to other VIp having multiple pools

HI ,



I have requirement where my VIP has 4 pools each with context based and one default .




pool 1 - when /sit matches choose pool 1 i.e (


pool2 - /dev


pool3 -/uat


pool4 - default




when /sit is down it has to choose pools in DCB with have same set up has DC-A


when /dev is down in DC-a choose DC_B


when more than 2 pools are down say / uat and /dev are down then failover to all to DC- B.


If i have only one pool down then only that particular pool form DC- a has to failover to DC-b but not all . when 2 or more are down then failover the VIP to DC- B .




IS this possible with irules on LTM . even i have GTM as an option to use but not usre how GTM helps with the failover request basing on the context based pool .






Please advise any help appreciated .












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