Forum Discussion

AlgebraicMirror's avatar
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Sep 03, 2015

Version 12 Question - Where is the documentation on the node.js/iRule LX features, and what are they?

I just put version 12 onto a lab F5 to look at, and I'm noticing a bunch of iRules LX (language extensions) features that seem to be added. They seem to include node.js as part of iRules. I don't see...
  • Eric_Flores_131's avatar
    Sep 04, 2015

    So I'll quote the same answer Jason Rahm put on the other thread about iRulesLX -


    iRulesLX is a language extension to iRules, the first iteration being Node.js. In 12.0, it is an Early Access feature, which requires an add-on license to function.


    Even though you will be able to provision, configure, and attach iRulesLX configuration to the virtual servers, it will not work without an EA license.


    Some points of clarification to the questions on and comments.


    The TCL-based iRules are not in any way going away. The LX is an extension of the existing iRules platform, not a replacement. It is not a standalone platform whereas you choose iRules or iRulesLX. The Node.js platform is called from iRules with an init command.


    We will have a release plan for articles on use cases and architectural considerations as iRulesLX transitions from early access to general availability.