Forum Discussion

YoonJoo__Moon_1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 11, 2014

using websocket via ASM

Hi all.

I'm testing about ASM v11.4.1 and a website using websocket. I wonder ASM can support websocket.

In my test, LTM can support websocket but ASM can't support it. When apply ASM policy to VirtualServer, I can't show websocket part. So I made a iRule, that is below:

             if { ([string tolower [HTTP::header value Upgrade]] equals "websocket" ) && ([string tolower [HTTP::header value Connection]] equals "upgrade" ) } {  
                           log local0. "HTTP Disable"  

In this iRule, when websocket traffic is come, it disable ASM and pass to LTM. But it means, if some web attacks are come through websocket, ASM can't block attacks.

In addition, if i change iRule from ASM::disable to HTTP::disable, page loading is slowed.

Does any solution using with ASM and websocket?

  • But it means, if some web attacks are come through websocket, ASM can't block attacks.


    as you know, currently it is not supported. i do not hear any plan.


    In addition, if i change iRule from ASM::disable to HTTP::disable, page loading is slowed.


    have you run tcpdump to see where the slow comes from?


    • YoonJoo__Moon_1's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      have you run tcpdump to see where the slow comes from? --> Yes. I captured it. In Wireshark, filtering "websocket", i can't find when using HTTP::disable, but others can find "websocket"
  • But it means, if some web attacks are come through websocket, ASM can't block attacks.


    as you know, currently it is not supported. i do not hear any plan.


    In addition, if i change iRule from ASM::disable to HTTP::disable, page loading is slowed.


    have you run tcpdump to see where the slow comes from?


    • YoonJoo__Moon_1's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      have you run tcpdump to see where the slow comes from? --> Yes. I captured it. In Wireshark, filtering "websocket", i can't find when using HTTP::disable, but others can find "websocket"
  • Hi everyone.


    I have the same problem running 11.5.1. I've opened a support ticket and they confirmed that ASM currently does not support web socket streams and there is not an ETA to fix this issue.


    But, How can we deal with this in the most secure way? Anyone has heard about a workaround for this? I'm not a web developer but if this is a common behavior for websites behind a security device, it must be an option, from the developer perspective, to fulfill the operation of the websites without using websockets, just wondering.


  • Jorjjj's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Hello There,


    Have you find any solution for this?


    I am facing the same Issue!


    Web Socket application works well over LTM, but does not work when ASM Security Policy is assigned on the virtual Server


    Thanks Regards,




  • I have the same issue. Can anyone get it working? Even if the ASM only works for the non-websocket part would be good? That way it could still inspect GET/POST