May 14, 2011Nimbostratus
Using GTM with TIBCO EMS Fault tolerant solution
Hi ,
I am a novice to 3 DNS , GTM ,LTM based solutions for Disaster recovery. I am a TIBCO SME and i need input on how F5 technology can be used in conjuction with TIBCO EMS (JMS ) servers. Below is the story. I need input on what is needed from an F5 perspective in acheiving the objective.
one of the components of our application is the messaging infrastructure ( TIBCO EMS - its a JMS middleware messaging server). The application has a very strict SLA's in terms of recovery time from failure. We have 2 Data centers where the application can be deployed.
Each datacenter has 2 nodes ( Primary and Secondary ) on which the EMS servers will be running.
Requirement 1: If a Messaging server (EMS) in DC-1 then a secondary Messaging server shuld be able to accept the requestes and process the messages in the next 5 seconds.
Requiremetn 2: If the messaging server infrastructure is down in DC -1 then the Messaging server infrastructure in DC-2 should be able to accept client connections and process the messages in the next 30 seconds.
EMS Sever deployment design:
To meet requirement 1 we deploy a pair of EMS servers in a HOT- WARM fashion on 2 different physical nodes (host 1 and host 2) in DC-1 . These are configured as a fault tolerant pair using the products inherent heartbeat mechanism. one is active and the other is standby . when the instance on host 1 goes down the instance on host 2 becomes active almost instantly. all the client connections are recovered and are now connected to the instance on host 2.also note that when we recover the instance on host 1 that instance will now be in stand by mode - the client stay connected to the instance on host 2.
To meet requirement 2 , we deploy another pair of EMS servers in DC-2 similar to the one on DC-1.
Problem statement:
The client application is pointing to DC-1 EMS pair. When Both the EMS servers on DC-1 are unavailable (both host 1 and host 2 are down ) then we would like to do a DNS switch / ip switch using F5 to EMS pair in DC-2 is this possible ?
What DNS infrastructure needs to be used for with in the same data center and what needs to be used for the shift between DC-1 and DC-2.
Also , please note that TIBCO EMS uses TCP protocol so all client connections to the server are tcp connections on a specific port.
Any input provided on how and what DNS infrastructure needs to be used to acheive this will be very helpful.
Thanks in advance .