Forum Discussion
May 25, 2016Use iFile to when only TLS1.0 is being used.
I want to display a custom message to people who are using only TLS1.0 in their browsers as to why they cannot access the website. I used the code below to attempt to do what I wanted after uploading...
May 25, 2016Hi,
You should try adding a log in your irule to make sure that you negociate SSL using TLS1.0
log local0. "[virtual] - SSL version=[SSL::cipher version], client_ip=[IP::client_addr]"
if { not ([SSL::cipher version] starts_with "TLSv1.") } {
log local0. "[virtual] - SSL version=[SSL::cipher version], client_ip=[IP::client_addr], invalid SSL version"
HTTP::respond 200 content [ifile get message.html] noserver "Content-Type" "text/html" "Cache-Control" "no-cache, must-revalidate" Connection Close
- gdoyleMay 25, 2016
Stupid question: How do I view the log? Also, I discovered the the ifile was in the right place on the BigIP apparently. Once I added it there the website is being blocked, but the custom message is not being displayed. Once I can view the log I will see if the SSL/TLS is being negotiated. - Yann_Desmarest_May 25, 2016
You can go to System >> Logs >> Local Traffic - Yann_Desmarest_May 25, 2016
or using cli, you can execute the following command to get insight live : tailf /var/log/ltm - gdoyleMay 25, 2016
Ok, so it looks like the conversation is working... Sequence of events in my pcap: Syn....... Syn, Ack ....... Ack ....... Client Hello ....... Server Hello, Certificate, Server Hello Done ....... Client Key Exchange, Change Cipher Spec, Encrypted Handshake Message ....... 443 -> 56501 [ACK] ....... Change Cipher Spec, Encrypted Handshake Message ....... Application Data, Application Data ....... 443 -> 56501 [ACK] ....... 443 -> 56501 [RST, ACK] ....... So you can see it is being reset at the end. Then the cycle repeats a few more times and stops. - Yann_Desmarest_May 25, 2016
Hi, you should import this pcap in wireshark. You will probably find something wrong at the SSL level. You can also try your irule from within the bigip itself by executing the following command : openssl s_client -connect VS_IP:443 -tls1 - Yann_Desmarest_May 25, 2016
After executing this command, you can try a GET / and see the result. If everything goes fine, you should get the message from the ifile - Yann_Desmarest_May 25, 2016
can you also check in your ltm logs to find if there is tcl errors on the irule execution
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