Forum Discussion
Dec 14, 2011Nimbostratus
Upgrading FirePass HA pair
Hi all,
Apologies if this isn't the correct forum/group for this question. I'm a bit confused which one to use for FirePass questions.
We have an HA pair of FirePass 4300's and I'd like to be able to upgrade the firmware without causing an outage for our users. The current method I follow (which does cause an outage, although brief) is:
-Must upgrade active controller first.
-Lock out all new users.
-Disconnect all existing users.
-Apply firmware.
-Repeat on other controller (which is now active because the first one has rebooted).
-Remove user lock out.
Is there a different method I should use? Or should we have the pair configured differently?
- Mike_61719CirrusIt's been a while since I've upgraded on a HA pair. I do remember you can reboot the active Firepass which will cause it to go to the seconday box. Upgrade the device to whatever you want and once completed, reboot the slave which became primary. This will cause the initial primary to take connections. This also depends on what versions your're upgrading from and to.
- Cyclohexane_187NimbostratusHi Mike,
- Mike_61719CirrusYeah, Syncing is generally lost when you upgrade major versions anyway. Going from 6.0.3 to 6.1 or 7.0 for example. If you do minor versions, the upgrade path may be best suited as in the manual. We always had about a 30-45 second outage for network access folks but they eventually reconnected. We lost all contact when doing major versions for some reason anways ;(
- Cyclohexane_187NimbostratusOk, thanks Mike.
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