Forum Discussion

AndOs's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Sep 17, 2012

Upgrade 10.2.0 to 11.2 hf2




I'm planning an upgrade for our 2 LTM from version 10.2.0 to 11.2.


We have 2 LTM 1600 in an HA config.



I've been reading up on the procedure and it seems pretty straight forward.


BIG-IP System: Upgrading Active/Standby Systems



I have a couple of questions though...



On page 23


Upgrading the standby BIG-IP 1 system


7. Start the services on Device A.


a) Access the tmsh command-line utility.


b) At the prompt, type start sys service all.


Device A restarts, with traffic-group-1 in standby state.



If I'm not mistaken the BIG-IP 1 has been upgraded with disabled HA.


How does it come up in standby state and not active state?



We currently have the same unit ID on both our LTMs.


Probably a misconfiguration when the devices was first set up a few years ago, but redundancy works good despite this.


Is this something that needs to be changed before the upgrade is run? so that we have unit ID = 1 on the active LTM and unit ID = 2 on the passive?




Does anyone know of any major issues to look out for when upgrading from v10?


We only use LTM and don't have any weird configurations. Basically just plain load balancing with some standard irules.




Best regards





  • hi,



    take some down time approx. 1-2 hrs.



    I suggest you disable the HA,



    Upload the new image and check the checksum.



    take LTM 2 from n/w ( by disabling ports on switch )and upgrade via GUI utility, bring it up, now both device will show as active ,



    bring down LTM-1 from n/w ( by disabling ports on switch ) and bring up LTM 2 in n/w,



    test the all VIPs are functioning properly, the users also.



    if its work fine , you can do the upgrade on LTM 1 by repeating same process and change the unit ID = 1 on the active LTM and unit ID = 2.



    finally enable the HA





  • AndOs's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Yes, that's basically the procedure from the documentation.



    What I'm a bit unsure of is how the second node actually can become standby after it has been upgraded. But maybe the upgrade process handles that somehow?




    Best regards


  • Hi,



    As you have to scpecified unit=2, it will become standby.




