Forum Discussion

Josh_41258's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 05, 2012

TMSH oddness

All I'm trying to do is save a running configuration to a file in v11:



[admin@ltm:/S1-green-P:Active] scripts tmsh sys config save file my_file


Syntax Error: unexpected argument "save"





Why doesn't this work? If I go into the tmsh shell, and type each command, it works fine. I need to run this command non-interactively (without going into the tmsh) shell, though. No more bigpipe, though.










  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Josh,



    This works for me logged in as admin:



    tmsh save /sys config file mybackup


    Saving running configuration...







    Or without the slash for sys:



    tmsh save sys config file mybackup


    Saving running configuration...







    Which 11.1 version are you running? Can you try on 11.1HF2 which was released last week?



  • Aaron,



    Thanks. These boxes are actually running HF2 already. I guess my syntax was wrong?




    [admin@wr-dc-ltm-b2100-p01:/S1-green-P:Active] config tmsh save /sys config file mybackup


    Saving running configuration...







    I was doing "tmsh sys config save," not "tmsh save sys config" .. although, I'm not quite sure why my version didn't work. Maybe I need to read up on tmsh some more. :)






  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Yeah it was a syntax error. The format for tmsh is generally action -> object -> parameters.



    The bigpipe mappings page is a good cheat sheet:




    Or you can check the full tmsh guide:




  • Oh, nice! The bigpipe mappings reference is an excellent resource. Thanks for sharing.


