Forum Discussion
Sep 16, 2011Nimbostratus
Time based pop-up
Hi all,
I've been searching around and haven't been having much luck to try and find the following.
Basically I want a iRule that creates a pop-up box between a certain time, my first thought was javascript injection, something along the lines of:
script type="text/javascript">alert("This site will be down for maintenance from 2am until 8am.")
But of course I would like this to start at 1am and finish at say 2.05am.
Any ideas?
- Michael_YatesNimbostratusRather than doing a pop-up you could do an initial notification upon connection that would advise them of your maintenance and then after a short time direct them to the original destination page.
- Michael_YatesNimbostratusI did some additional digging.
- David_Fox_22251NimbostratusThanks for the info, I'll start looking into it.
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