Hi all F5 contributers,
Andy, hope you dont mind sort of highjacking you thread. But did not want to start another thread with same topic.
Trying to send Telemetry metric data to ElasticSeach pipeline but not recieving any actuallt metric data. I see what to be more syslog data comming in to system. Telemetry have been configured.
Followed and configure same as mention here https://my.f5.com/manage/s/article/K000134780
See same content output when tail /var/tmp/telemetry_trace.log as described here https://clouddocs.f5.com/products/extensions/f5-telemetry-streaming/latest/output-example.html
AS3 declaration
"class": "Telemetry",
"controls": {
"class": "Controls",
"logLevel": "debug",
"debug": true
"vcc_Listener": {
"class": "Telemetry_Listener",
"port": 6514
"vcc_System": {
"class": "Telemetry_System",
"trace": "/var/tmp/telemetry_trace.log",
"systemPoller": {
"interval": 60
"vcc_ELK_Consumer": {
"class": "Telemetry_Consumer",
"type": "ElasticSearch",
"host": "x.x.x.x",
"port": "5047",
"protocol": "http",
"allowSelfSignedCert": "true",
"index": "f5telemetry",
"dataType": "f5telemetry"
input {
http {
port => "5047"
additional_codecs => { "application/json" => "json_lines" }
filter {
json {
source => "message"
output {
elasticsearch {
data_stream => true
data_stream_type => "metrics"
data_stream_dataset => "f5"
data_stream_namespace => "prod"
data_stream_auto_routing => true
hosts => ["${ES_HOSTS}"]
codec => json
ssl => true
cacert => "/etc/logstash/certificates/ca.crt"
user => "${ES_USER}"
password => "${ES_PASSWORD}"
Any sort of help is very much appreciated
Thanks in advance