Forum Discussion
TCL & TMSH command > unexpected argument "|" while using grep
Hello World!
I am currently struggling with TCL & TMSH grep & need some advice.
I'm trying to automate APM object creation and for that I need at some point to list the existing ACLs in order to specify the ID of the new APM object ACL.
The TMSH command to do so is tmsh::list apm all-properties | grep acl-order. It works perfectly from CLI.
Now, I wanted to run this command within a TCL script... and here start my issue :) TCL does not like the pipe character.
The command: set acl_list [split [tmsh::list apm all-properties | grep acl-order] "\n"]
The output: SAG-webtop.tcl: script failed to complete: can't eval proc: "script::run" unexpected argument "|" while executing "tmsh::list apm all-properties | grep acl-order" (procedure "script::run" line 35) invoked from within "script::run" line:1 script did not successfully complete, status:1
I tried to add a \ before the | but then got the same output.: SAG-webtop.tcl: script failed to complete: can't eval proc: "script::run" unexpected argument "|" while executing "tmsh::list apm all-properties | grep acl-order" (procedure "script::run" line 35) invoked from within "script::run" line:1 script did not successfully complete, status:1
Any idea on how to get this working?
Many thanks Jérôme
- Kevin_StewartEmployee
Not at all the prettiest thing in the world, but try this:
proc script::run {} { set order 0 foreach x [split [tmsh::list apm all-properties] "\n"] { if { [string trimleft $x] starts_with "acl-order" } { set num [lindex [split [string trimleft $x]] 1] if { [expr { $num > $order }] } { set order $num } } } puts "largest: $order" }
This will loop through each line of the tmsh command's result, find acl-order and its value, and then return the largest number.
- J_LE_42749Nimbostratus
Thanks a bunch Kevin! I forgot to subscribe to the post so I just discover your input.
Meanwhile I did the work with regex:
proc script::run {} { ... set dump [tmsh::list apm all-properties] set last_acl [lindex [lsort -integer [regexp -all -inline -- {\d+} \ [regexp -all -inline -- {\yacl-order\y\s\d+} $dump] ]] end-1] set cmd "$name acl-order $acl_id application-uri $uri description \"$desc\" " puts "\t$cmd" ... }
NB: the 65535 ID for the ACL is reserved in our environment
I am not sure this is the most sexy way to do that, however 🙂
I'm also concerned about performances: is it better to use regexp(s) or go with loop as suggested by Kevin? I would say that regex eats more but looping through such a big output can also take a while.
Any advice?
Thanks Jérôme
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