Jun 05, 2023Cirrostratus
Support TLS1.3 and TLS1.2 protocols
Today we are working only with TLS1.2 on SSL Clients profiles.
We are about to enable TLS1.3, and I have a few questions before a behavior about the SSL handshake process:
Case -
We are working with 3 strong ciphers supporting only 1.2 and configured as Rule in Ciphers Group.
I add another 3 strong ciphers supporting 1.3
In total = 6.
For example:
When a client who was supporting 1.2 + 1.3 negotiate a connection:
1. What protocol is he will take by default? - I guess 1.3
2. If the client who chose 1.3 didn't find the supported cipher by him from the 3 ciphers list, is he will get reset ?
Will the ry the negotiation with the ciphers from TLS1.2 ?
The goal is to continue to support all of our clients (not lose them) and support TLS1.3