Forum Discussion

Glen_Pill_33018's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 14, 2012

ssl service working on safari but not with chrome or firefox

Hi guys,



I've been setting up a POC with the LTM v10.1 VM trial and I'm running into a weird issue I'm hoping someone can assist with.




I've set up a simple https service, whereby the user browses to, the f5 terminates the ssl connection, then starts up a new https connection to the back-end service.




Because of the ssl issues in the v10.1 VM trial, I've had to workaround the issues with having a client-side and server-side ssl config on the same VS, so that may indeed be part of my issues. I have a test 3600, so that will be my next step, but I don't have access to that at the moment.




It would really be nice to get the VM-trial updated! I've had many F5 FSE's say thing is going to happen, but nothing yet... a year later at least.




The backend server is a Bradfordnetworks NAC solution, purely just to provide a nice interface for management, presenting a real ssl cert to the user, while keeping a self-signed on the Bradford server.




My issue is Safari works (albeit slowly to connect --timeouts?), Firefox accepts the cert and then just waits and waits, while Chrome just says no after a short timeout. All my testing is on my macbook, where the VM is hosted under VM Fusion v4.1.3.




Any ideas will help!
















datastor {


low water mark 80


high water mark 92




deduplication {}


shell write partition Common


route default inet {






profile clientssl testf5-cli {


defaults from clientssl


key "test-selfsigned.key"


cert "test-selfsigned.crt"






profile serverssl testf5 {


defaults from serverssl


handshake timeout 60


alert timeout 60


cache timeout 3600




profile serverssl testf5-svr {


defaults from serverssl


key "default.key"


cert "default.crt"


peer cert mode ignore




node {}


node {}


pool testf5 {


monitor all https


members {}




rule broken-trial-ssl {




virtual testf5






rule rewrite {




if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] starts_with "/abc" } {


HTTP::uri [string map -nocase {"/abc" "/123/bac"} [HTTP::uri]]










virtual testf5 {


snat automap


pool testf5




ip protocol tcp


profiles {


tcp {}


testf5-svr {








vlans none enable




virtual testf5_cli {


snat automap




ip protocol tcp


rules broken-trial-ssl


profiles {


http {}


tcp {}


testf5-cli {











  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Glen,



    I don't think there are any plans on releasing a new trial version. Instead, you can ask your F5 SE for an eval key for BIG-IP VE Lab Edition which includes rate limited versions of all VE modules. You can also run any current BIG-IP version instead of just 10.1 with the trial. There aren't the same issues with SSL cipher limitations either.



    If you run into a similar issue with the eval key on a new VE installation reply back here with details.


