Forum Discussion

deanb_265167's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 17, 2017

SSL Certificate Usage Report

Our client has an fast approaching, expiring SHA1 SSL certificate and we need to plan for importing the new cert, creating a new Profile and and updating all LTM Virtuals accross all VCMP's


Before we can do this, we need to identify the SSL Cert used in each SSL client profile on each VS on each VCMP!


I have tried using the command: tmsh list / ltm virtual one-line | grep $cert


But this doesn't always list VS that are in different partitions other than /Common


Is there an easier way to identify which VS uses the SSL Cert used in each SSL client profile?


To make matters worse, the previous company that set up the implemented different names and variations of client ssl profiles that use various combinations of the same certificate or a different file of the same certificate!


Note: We also have two VCMP's licenced with the APM module, which may or may not be of importance here.


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