Forum Discussion

OM's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 20, 2011

ssh to specific partition




is it possible to ssh directly to a specific LTM partition instead of common one?


i have big-ip 3600 10.2 with LTM and ASM modules ?




thank you.


  • Hi Omar,



    The SSH daemon is not specific to an admin partition. Can you clarify what you're trying to do? Is this for full bash CLI access or limited shell like tmsh?



  • OM's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
    Hi Aaron,



    it is for limited tmsh...


    Actually, I have 2 partitions in LTM (pre_prod and prod), and I need to navigate from one partition to another using the console for debugging purposes (ping, telnet, curl ...).




    tmsh-->util-->run ping something like that






  • Maybe this:



    modify auth partition default-route-domain





  • OM's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
    it didn't work...



    In other technologies, we use (switchto context) command line, I guess in F5, it's not that simple.




    let me recap: If I need to ping a host in a specific routing domain (partition), I have to go with auth command in order to access that routing domain, then I can initiate the ping ?? am i wrong ?


  • Unfortunately, I don't think it's that simple with routing domains. See SOL10467 for some less than elegant options:



    sol10467: Userland applications on a BIG-IP system cannot connect to hosts in non-default route domains




  • I wrote this for telnet in route domains but it would be easy to change it for SSH and other bash tools. I found it easier than keep doing ipv6 converts

    modify script telnet {
    proc script::run {} {
            set base_record [split $tmsh::argv ]
            set ipdomain [lindex $base_record 1]
            set ip_domain [split $ipdomain "%" ]
            set ip_addr [lindex $ip_domain 0]
            set domain [lindex $ip_domain 1]
            set hex_domain [format %04x $domain]
            set port [lindex $base_record 2 ]
            set string [list "2620:0000:0c10:f501:0000:$hex_domain:$ip_addr"]
            if {$tmsh::argc eq 2} {
            catch {exec telnet "$string"} result
            } else {
            catch {exec telnet "$string" "$port"} result
            puts "$result"
    if {$base_record eq "telnet" } {
            puts "You must supply at least a IP address and route domain"
    proc script::help {} {
            tmsh::add_help "This will allow telnet to connect to a IP within a route domain\n\nUsage telnet <%route_domain_id> <%route_domain_id> "
  • I wrote this for telnet in route domains but it would be easy to change it for SSH and other bash tools. I found it easier than keep doing ipv6 converts



    modify script telnet {



    proc script::run {} {


    set base_record [split $tmsh::argv ]


    set ipdomain [lindex $base_record 1]


    set ip_domain [split $ipdomain "%" ]


    set ip_addr [lindex $ip_domain 0]


    set domain [lindex $ip_domain 1]


    set hex_domain [format %04x $domain]


    set port [lindex $base_record 2 ]


    set string [list "2620:0000:0c10:f501:0000:$hex_domain:$ip_addr"]


    if {$tmsh::argc eq 2} {


    catch {exec telnet "$string"} result


    } else {


    catch {exec telnet "$string" "$port"} result




    puts "$result"


    if {$base_record eq "telnet" } {


    puts "You must supply at least a IP address and route domain"






    proc script::help {} {


    tmsh::add_help "This will allow telnet to connect to a IP within a route domain\n\nUsage telnet <%route_domain_id> }


    proc script::tabc {} {


    puts "required values <%route_domain_id> "



