Nov 07, 2023Nimbostratus
SSH auth via key not working after installing 13.1.5 HF 20 and LogLevel can't be increased
Hi guys,
I am struggeling with an issue on the BigIP, after installing the Hotfix 20
I am not able to login via ssh using key authentification.
I can login via password.
Figuring out what is going wrong is hard, without any usefull Logging.
so I changed the loglevel in
LogLevel DEBUG3
and did a
service sshd restart
also an
bigstart restart sshd
both said restart OK, but still only successful logins get logged.
So I tried
tmsh modify /sys sshd log-level debug3
restarted sshd again and again not change in the logs.
can anyone tell me why the Loglevel increase has no efffect or maybe tell me if the HF 20 changed something in handling ssh keys on the BigIP
Any help is appreciated