Hi. Yes, I have tried with a different web page and separate web acceleration profile. I'm not sure if all these requests are being cached as I do not have access to the F5 command-line.
The strange thing is even with web acceleration off, the SPDY virtual server (or browser) seems to fall back to HTTP 1.1 after working for a bit. I cannot see the SPDY headers where I saw them previously.
In Chrome chrome://net-internals/spdy is also reporting no SPDY sessions for my virtual server. This plug-in is reporting that the site is not SPDY enabled: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/spdy-indicator/mpbpobfflnpcgagjijhmgnchggcjblin?hl=en
However this site: https://spdycheck.org/ is reporting that SPDY is supported. Firefox also reports that SPDY is enabled when I use this plug-in: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/spdy-indicator/
I can also see this header being added in Firefox:
But then again, the response headers in Firefox still look like HTTP headers instead of SPDY headers.
Are there log files on the F5 that can shed more light on what's happening? If so, where are they located?
At this point SPDY support very much feels like a BETA feature that's was bolted on at the last-minute. Either that or browsers are quite finicky in their interpretation of the protocol.