Forum Discussion

Adilkhan_174866's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 08, 2018

Snatpool and Pool Selction based on URI

Hi Guys,


Stuck here,


been trying to work out an irule, for snatpool and pool selection based on a uri


We have an existing irule which works on another environment (like for like) however on the new enviroment for some reason it does not work, we have a url we connect to, then by clicking on a tab it should redirect us to another pool based on the uri we selected, but just times out and say refused to connect.


This is the irule: I had configured the logging commands and it states it does not match the uri, however this same irule works on the old environment going to the same uri


when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::header remove sm_user


if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] starts_with "/dn" } { pool AC } else { SSL::disable serverside HTTP::header insert WL-Proxy-SSL true pool AC-A } }


  • Actually if the uri starts with "/dn", the if condition may work. However when the if condition works, SSL::disable serverside command can not be applicable in the HTTP_REQUEST. If you would like disable ssl on the serverside, you may try in "when SERVER_CONNECTED" event.


    • oguzy_191375's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Can it be related with default pool?


      The irule can be same in two environments but the configs of the virtual servers are different.


    • Adilkhan_174866's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Don't think that the issue, not even matching the dn statement, although its working on another environment exactly the same way????


      Im not matching the dn but now getting the resource does not exist, as it does not hit the snatpool even.


  • oguzy's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    Actually if the uri starts with "/dn", the if condition may work. However when the if condition works, SSL::disable serverside command can not be applicable in the HTTP_REQUEST. If you would like disable ssl on the serverside, you may try in "when SERVER_CONNECTED" event.


    • oguzy's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      Can it be related with default pool?


      The irule can be same in two environments but the configs of the virtual servers are different.


    • Adilkhan_174866's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Don't think that the issue, not even matching the dn statement, although its working on another environment exactly the same way????


      Im not matching the dn but now getting the resource does not exist, as it does not hit the snatpool even.