Forum Discussion

lmalafati_54233's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 27, 2012

SNAT POOL and iRule




I´m configuring a new VS from one customer that it works over udp. The service was working on Microsoft´s NLB.



When the new VS at BIG IP was configured the transaction doesn´t work, because the server response occurs in a new udp port. Bellow follow the application's workflow...






Client Request --> VS UDP 1998 (Auto Map) --> Pool Servers



So, to complete the request the server that received the request of the client needs to return to the client one response in other port, example udp port 1997. The problem It´s about how the VS is configured to use "auto map" the response from the server to client is based on BIG IP Interface.



Someone had already worked with this scenario? Is it possible write any iRule to try to solve this?







  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Leonardo,



    Is it a static port that the server responds to the client on? If so, you should be able to use the listen command to set up a related connection:





  • Hi Aaron,



    Yes, that is correct. The server always responds to client on udp port 1997. I read the topic and I will try this iRule to try to solve my question.



    However the environment is working I will try to reproduce on my lab. I return to you with the response if had worked fine.








  • Hi Aaron,



    Yes, that is correct. The server always responds to client on udp port 1997. I read the topic and I will try this iRule to try to solve my question.



    However the environment is working I will try to reproduce on my lab. I return to you with the response if had worked fine.




