Forum Discussion

S__233_bastien2's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 11, 2016

Single iApps, two traffic-groups

Is it possible to create multiple virtual-addresses on differents traffic-groups using iApps?


I have two traffic-groups, and I want to create a virtual-server on each.


  • VS_A -> VIP_A -> TG_A
  • VS_B -> VIP_B -> TG_B

With a single iApp. Do you know if it is possible and how to do that ?


Best regards,


3 Replies

  • Fred_Slater_856's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Seems to work. Most things that are possible with TMSH are possible with iApps.

    tmsh::create cm traffic-group /Common/TG_A
    tmsh::create cm traffic-group /Common/TG_B
    tmsh::create ltm virtual-address traffic-group TG_A
    tmsh::create ltm virtual-address traffic-group TG_B
    tmsh::create ltm virtual VS_A destination
    tmsh::create ltm virtual VS_A destination
    • Fred_Slater_856's avatar
      Historic F5 Account

      After a little more research, it appears that this is intentional. The iApp itself (sys application service) has a traffic-group property, and all objects owned by the iApp are required to belong to the same traffic group. Attempting to change the traffic-group of one of the objects results in an error such as "can not be modified because it is in use by application (/Common/ that does not have a matching traffic group." Furthermore, in my example from above, setting the iApp's traffic-group automatically changes the traffic group of both virtual-addresses.


    • S__233_bastien2's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus



      Thank you for your response.


      The problem is that creating a virtual-address using iApp, traffic-group argument is never taken into account.


      I created an iApp with your example. After the first run, is in traffic-group-cbv, not in TG_A.


      The iApp template :


      The Application Service :


      The result :


      Is it possible to ignore the traffic-group setting on the second screenshot?

