Forum Discussion

Dave_Mulligan_1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 01, 2014

Sideband connection coming from virtual server can't reply. How to fix?

Hi all, I have an iRule configured on a virtual server that is attempting to make a sideband connection to another virtual server. The target virtual server also has an iRule, and everything works ...
  • Richard__Harlan's avatar
    Feb 01, 2014

    In the Sideband connect command you can set the IP and port to source the connection from. This will allow you to pick a IP address the VIP can respond to.


    connect [-protocol TCP|UDP] [-myport ] [-tos ] [-status ] [-idle ] [-timeout ] 
    -myaddr and -myport can be used for sourcing the connection from a specific source address and/or port. If specifying a source IP address, it must be one which TMM answers ARP for (ideally a self IP address)