Forum Discussion

Rabbit23_116296's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 25, 2015

Share access cookie

So I have a webtop that has all the portal resources/webtop links and SAML resources working just fine. The virtual of course, needs a rewrite profile for the portal resources. This is called for arguments sake,

What I do want however, if for the links / access to these sites to work exactly the same. i.e. the relative URI's must stay in tact and one access policy must control access to all * sites. What I find is that if the / [HTTP::host] changes, it insists on creating a new access policy session. I want to stop this.

I have got this to work for a a non-webtop APM enabled virtual with an access policy that has a single domain cookie that sends say to a pool with various settings. If i logged in to the persists across all the services. Really happy and this is what I want but what I am trying to do is get this to work on the same virtual as the webtop. Is what I'm trying to do possible? What I want is that if someone already has an APM session, they will go directly to the full HTTP link of a specific site.

Here's the irule on the non-webtop virtual that works a treat:

    log local0.notice "WHEN ACCESS_ACL_ALLOWED: [HTTP::host] URI: [HTTP::uri]"
       switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::host]] {
        "" {
            log local0.notice "jira found papa HOST: [HTTP::host] URI: [HTTP::uri]"
            set http_path [HTTP::path]
            pool /CorpWeb/
            WEBSSO::select /SSO/sso-basic
            switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
                "/" {
                    if {[HTTP::method] equals "GET"} {
                     log local0.notice "In Jira root and the method is a [HTTP::method] : [HTTP::host] with URI [HTTP::uri]"
                     HTTP::uri "/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa?os_authType=basic"

                   log local0.notice "original path    
        "" {
             pool /CorpWeb/
             WEBSSO::select /SSO/wiki-forms
         "" {
             pool /SSO/
             WEBSSO::select /SSO/sso-basic

        default {
  • so with this irule, service wiki, office and jira will go directly through with the domain cookie. How can i get this to work on the same virtual/listener that has the webtop configured is what i'm asking?
  • so with this irule, service wiki, office and jira will go directly through with the domain cookie. How can i get this to work on the same virtual/listener that has the webtop configured is what i'm asking?
  • did you configure cookie domain of Access policy with


    the session cookie will be sent to user with domain and the browser will send it for every URL of domain


    the other solution is to user multiple domain cookie.


  • kunjan's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Have you tried setting cookie name "" in the AP configuration ? that will share the cookie across.


    • Rabbit23_116296's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      yes i've set it as "" - problem is when I try to access another virtual server (different access policy too), then F5 gets nasty and rejects the session because of an invalid session ID.
  • Have you tried setting cookie name "" in the AP configuration ? that will share the cookie across.


    • Rabbit23_116296's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      yes i've set it as "" - problem is when I try to access another virtual server (different access policy too), then F5 gets nasty and rejects the session because of an invalid session ID.
  • in multi domain configuration, you can specify either hosts or domain cookies.


    You can specify a cookie for and