Forum Discussion

Gustav's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 20, 2020

ServiceNow LB settings - cookie, glide_user_route



We have a F5 as the LB for our ServiceNow On-prem solution. For the moment we have issues with the load-balancing and how F5 are routing our user requests. Anyone out there that could guide me how to setup the basic LB. Best practice to use iRule / Polices for the Persistence type Cookie hash with Servicenow glide_user_route value.


Please help! As of now F5 routes 90% to only one node in the Pool.



  • Gustav's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Thanks, do you have Servicenow on-prem yourself? Im very intresting in if you or any other using iRules for this or OOB F5 persistence table config....