Forum Discussion

bigipjr28_13978's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 07, 2014

send and recieve string health monitor clearification

Hey guys,


I was wondering if I can some clarification on http and https health monitors.


  1. The default http and https monitors, do they just send a http request 5 seconds by default. Sending a GET / in the send string.


  2. Is the send string in the http monitor sending or is it sending a GET a string ? And is that done in the request headers ?


  3. The receive string, is that whats going to be the response headers on the monitor?


Any clarification would be helpful




  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    Yes. A default monitor sends a GET request to root every 5 secs. Receive string blank by default so any response is a positive one. Response can be in headers or payload (up to 5120 bytes).


    Hope this helps

