Forum Discussion

Simon_Waters_13's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Feb 27, 2015

Scoping of and/or naming limits of subtables

I have a table which I want to be specific to both the virtual server, and the APM policy which is applicable (it is only written/read during Access Policy event iRules).


I tried:


table -subtable "[virtual][ACCESS::policy agentid]tablename" ...


But this fails when using


table -subtable "tablename" ....


Works fine.


I assume that I'm exceeding the length or other restriction on table name, or possibly I've misunderstood "agent_id".


I will try the pragmatic "[virtual]tablename" since the reason to depend on policy is incase the rules change for what is in the table with a policy update, I don't need to worry about deletion or upgrade steps.


But if it is obvious to anyone what I've misunderstood here, or if anyone knows the rules for subtable name and length, please shout.


  • ..."I assume that I'm exceeding the length or other restriction on table name"


    Did you find an answer to your question by any chance?


  • I ended up with "[virtual]tablename" which has worked ever since, as long as I'm careful about updates (I think only one has happened, and most of the entries are transient to a login session, or a lockout, so even if I mess up most of the problems go away very quickly).