Apr 25, 2011Nimbostratus
save_configuration questions
Hi folks,
I am synchronizing active & passive F5 switches using iControl.dll via the following piece of code:
interfaces.SystemConfigSync.save_configuration("/config/bigip.conf", iControl.SystemConfigSyncSaveMode.SAVE_HIGH_LEVEL_CONFIG);
Three questions:
1) This code does not seem to be working, i.e. no error thrown but sync does not happen -- what is the best way to find out any error that may have been encountered during the process.
2) Does sync require full admin access or can the sync be granted to any account? We would not like to have admin access to the script that does the sync as it takes machines out of rotation and puts them back in.
3) I am taking machines out of rotation (i.e. out of service), and putting them back in, I think high level sync is sufficient, but is there a way to find out whether it is, or do I need full sync?