Forum Discussion

jsookiki_134304's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 25, 2013

Ruby iControl throwing non-descript soap fault on NodeAddressV2.create

So I'm receiving a soap fault when I try and create a node. If anyone could help me out with a diagnosis I'd really appreciate it!!

bigip ='*******', '*******', '*******', ['LocalLB.Pool', 'LocalLB.NodeAddressV2'])  
interfaces = bigip.get_interfaces  
interfaces['LocalLB.NodeAddressV2'].create ['test'], [''], [0]  

Throws the error:

SOAP::FaultError: Exception caught in LocalLB::urn:iControl:LocalLB/NodeAddressV2::create()
  • The error stated InvalidArgument which implies that one of the arguments was not correct. Looking at the method prototype

        in String [] nodes,
        in String [] addresses,
        in long [] limits

    the second parameter is the address for the NodeAddress. In this method, it's an IP Address and you are passing in a domain name string. You'll have to change the second parameter to the IP address of the node you are attempting to create.
