Forum Discussion

jdewing's avatar
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Feb 24, 2011

RPC Client Access

I'm having an issue getting outlook client to work with RPC Client Access. I follow the steps from the F5 Deployment Guide "Microsoft Exchange 2010". Everything is working with OWA and Hub Transport, but just not with RPC Client Access. I tried so many different settings for VIP, no luck.



1. Created a DNS “A” record for outlook.xxxx.local


2. Created a Client Access Array and associate it with outlook.xxxx.local


3. Follow steps from the Deployment Guide to create health monitor, pool, profile and VIP


4. Created a new Outlook Profile and pointed to outlook.xxxx.local.



This is where I’m stuck.. I can’t get the outlook client to communicate with the CAS. When I created outlook profile, I enter outlook.xxxx.local for Microsoft Exchange Server, I get error “The name cannot be resolved. The connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable. Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action”



However I could enter the CAS Server name “CAS01.xxxx.local” for Microsoft Exchange Server with no issue, but the correct way is to use the RPC Client Access name for load balancer.



Did anyone had a similar issue and able to get it resolve???




Thanks in the advance.


  • Hello All,


    We are seeing a similar issue.


    We have 2 Client Access Servers and we have also set up Casarray is pointed to F5. Following is the issue we are seeing: -


    User is conected via LAN.


    User opens up Outlook it asks for ID and password.


    Once you provide ID and password it works but problem is why it is asking for ID and password when user is connected on LAN we have checked there are no delays on LAN.


    When we right click on Outlook Icon in system Tray and click on "Connection Status" it shows some of the connections are going via TCP/IP and some HTTPS.



    I think is the reason it prompots for ID and password because some or one of the connections going via Outlook Anywhere (RPC over HTTPs).


    If we connect directly to CAS server all the connections goes via TCP/IP and it never asks for Password prompt.



    My question is what could be the cause of mixed connections TCP/IP and HTTPS?










  • I think I have an idea on what's causing this - can you please create the following iRule and apply it to your port 80 and/or 443 virtuals for Exchange(I assume that you have OneConnect/NTLM profiles applied to those virtuals, right?):



    when HTTP_RESPONSE {


    if { [HTTP::header values WWW-Authenticate] contains "Negotiate" } {


    ONECONNECT::detach disable



