Restoring Config onto different unit - odd results
I've been using the script to try to download the config of one of the HA pair and load it onto the standalone unit at our DR site. According to what I've read, this should leave the bigip_base.conf file in place on the unit at the DR site, since the host names are different. They both have the same VLANs and Route Domains configured, but I need to get all the Virtual Servers, Pools, etc. copied up. Since that's the part that changes regularly, I wanted to automate this so that bigip3 is kept in sync (within 24 hours or so) with the HA pair.
BUT, when I restored the config file from bigip2 onto bigip3, I got unexpected results. The management IP and hostname remain the same, but bigip3 suddenly thinks he is part of an HA pair and all bigip3's Self-IPs are replaced with the self-IPs from bigip2.
Shouldn't the self-IPs that were previously configured on bigip3 stay? Fortunately I had a backup of bigip3 taken just before this, so it was easy to correct.
I'm running BIP-IP 10.2.2 Build 763.3.
Thanks for any assistance.