Forum Discussion

Jason_130176's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 22, 2013

Removing an irule from a group of Virtual servers in bulk

I have A number of virtual servers with one I rule I need to remove but I need to preserve all the rest of the Irules that they all have except the one. I there a way to script just removing one Irule , the tmsh rule command only allows none or a new set of irules not specifitying removal of one.


3 Replies

  • Not sure if anyone answered your question but I am running v10 as well and to get it to work I had to replace the double use of single quotes with underscore. So the method should look like this:




    You must also do the same for set vips_in_play at line 10. Hopefully that helps out if you haven't fixed it yourself already.


    • JRahm's avatar
      Icon for Admin rankAdmin
      yeah, that must have been an artifact of import from our old wiki, I just updated that.