Forum Discussion

Rajesh_A_142089's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 08, 2014

Remove part of querystring

I want to remove specific key=value pair from the querystring if present


-If my uri is /myuri?mykey=myvalue or /myuri?otherkey=othervalue&mykey=myvalue -I want to rewrite the uri such that I remove the mykey=myvalue from the uri in the HTTP_REQUEST event -such that the url is /myuri or /myuri?otherkey=othervalue


Please advise.


Thanks Rajesh


  • Just one approach;-

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if {[URI::query [HTTP::uri]] contains "mykey="} {
            set newq ""
            foreach param [split [URI::query [HTTP::uri]] "&"] {
                if {!($param starts_with "mykey=")} {
                         Build up new query parameter string
                    append newq $param
                 Add new query portion to path
                HTTP::uri "[HTTP::path]$newq"
  • Just one approach;-

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if {[URI::query [HTTP::uri]] contains "mykey="} {
            set newq ""
            foreach param [split [URI::query [HTTP::uri]] "&"] {
                if {!($param starts_with "mykey=")} {
                         Build up new query parameter string
                    append newq $param
                 Add new query portion to path
                HTTP::uri "[HTTP::path]$newq"
  • I actually made a little mistake - I forgot to add in the ? if there is still a query string remaining it should say

       if {$newq ne ""} {
            HTTP::uri "[HTTP::path]?$newq"
       } else {
            HTTP::uri [HTTP::path]
  • For everyone benefit, here I wanted to share the final version. From the above script we failed to put & in between each key=value pairs. Here is the working script:


    when HTTP_REQUEST { set newq ""


    foreach param [split [URI::query [HTTP::uri]] "&"] { if {!($param contains "mykey=" )} { if {$newq eq ""} { append newq $param } else { append newq "&$param" } } } Add new query portion to path if {$newq ne ""} { HTTP::uri "[HTTP::path]?$newq" } else { HTTP::uri [HTTP::path] } }


  • you may also try HTTP::query. HTTP::query writing data is introduced in 11.5.0.

    ID385615 - RFE: Make HTTP::query iRule command support writing data


    [root@ve11a:Active:In Sync] config  tmsh list ltm rule qux
    ltm rule qux {
        when RULE_INIT {
      set static::qry_name "mykey"
      set static::qry_value "myvalue"
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      log local0. "origin=[HTTP::uri]"
      set tmp [string map [list $static::qry_name=[URI::query [HTTP::uri] $static::qry_name] ""] [HTTP::query]]
      set tmp [string map {&& &} $tmp]
      set tmp [string trimleft $tmp &]
      HTTP::query $tmp
      HTTP::uri [string trimright [HTTP::uri] ?&]
      log local0. "new=[HTTP::uri]"
    [root@ve11a:Active:In Sync] config  tail -f /var/log/ltm
    Jun  8 11:09:21 ve11a info tmm[9801]: Rule /Common/qux : origin=/myuri
    Jun  8 11:09:21 ve11a info tmm[9801]: Rule /Common/qux : new=/myuri
    Jun  8 11:09:38 ve11a info tmm1[9801]: Rule /Common/qux : origin=/myuri?mykey=myvalue
    Jun  8 11:09:38 ve11a info tmm1[9801]: Rule /Common/qux : new=/myuri
    Jun  8 11:09:44 ve11a info tmm[9801]: Rule /Common/qux : origin=/myuri?mykey=myvalue&otherkey=othervalue
    Jun  8 11:09:44 ve11a info tmm[9801]: Rule /Common/qux : new=/myuri?otherkey=othervalue
    Jun  8 11:09:54 ve11a info tmm1[9801]: Rule /Common/qux : origin=/myuri?otherkey=othervalue&mykey=myvalue
    Jun  8 11:09:54 ve11a info tmm1[9801]: Rule /Common/qux : new=/myuri?otherkey=othervalue
    Jun  8 11:10:03 ve11a info tmm[9801]: Rule /Common/qux : origin=/myuri?otherkey=othervalue&mykey=myvalue&anotherkey=anothervalue
    Jun  8 11:10:03 ve11a info tmm[9801]: Rule /Common/qux : new=/myuri?otherkey=othervalue&anotherkey=anothervalue