Forum Discussion

D_J__Mudde_1907's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 06, 2016

redirect to specific pool based on host



I am looking for a Irule to redirect trafic to a specific pool based on the incomming http request host.


I have made the following but the Big IP gaves an error.


when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::host] == "" } { pool p_sfb_a } elseif { [HTTP::host] == "" } { pool p_sfb_a } elseif { [HTTP::host] == "" } { pool p_sfb_a } else { pool Pool_none } }


Anyone a idea to help me out?


The pools are not jet in place.


This is the message i get from the big-IP when i tried to save the irule.

01070151:3: Rule [/Common/mzi_sfb_redirect_based_on_host] error: /Common/mzi_sfb_redirect_based_on_host:4: error: [undefined procedure: elseif][elseif { [HTTP::host] == "" } { pool p_sfb_a } ]


/Common/mzi_sfb_redirect_based_on_host:10: error: [undefined procedure: else][else { pool Pool_none }]
  • I recommend you use HTTP Policies in LTM. this basically is a method to make irules like the one your doing very easy in the GUI. I recommend you create a ltm policy with rules for the host value and forward it to a certain pool. Let me know if this helps out.


  • I just have paid your code in my big-ip and it worked. What version are you using? I'd only change '==' by 'eq' as you expect string to be compare it should be a bit effective.


  • As proposed by jgranieri, the easiest and best solution is to use Local traffic policies.

    If you want to use irules, the switch command is better than if / then / elseif / elseif ...

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        switch [HTTP::host] {
            "" { pool p_sfb_a }
            "" { pool p_sfb_b }
            "" { pool p_sfb_c }
            default { pool Pool_none }