Forum Discussion

southern_shred1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 11, 2018

Redirect Include URI


I'm having trouble with the following iRule.

The requirement is to redirect any requests to to

Any requests directly to should be rejected

when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::host] equals "" && [HTTP::path] equals "/" } { HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]/bred/publicweb/status/gifb"

        }else {          
    if {[HTTP::uri] equals "/bred/publicweb/status/gifb" } {


The response we are seeing towards the servers is something like this does not include the URI (/bred/publicweb/status/gifb)

----------------------------REQUEST--------------------------- URI=/MEkwRzBFMEMwQTAJBgUrDgMCGgUABBQ6UnYMs4JZvSkqZMdaftSSm1KopgQUIT1LBSePsKHPrvwmssmkgd76sn4CCHCEWSkqZPMv

I would like URL to be included on the way to the servers, like this:

----------------------------REQUEST--------------------------- URI=/bred/publicweb/status/gifb/MEkwRzBFMEMwQTAJBgUrDgMCGgUABBQ6UnYMs4JZvSkqZMdaftSSm1KopgQUIT1LBSePsKHPrvwmssmkgd76sn4CCHCEWSkqZPMv

Can someone point me in the right direction?


  • Do you want to:


    • redirect /foo to /bred/publicweb/status/gifb/foo
    • deny /bred/publicweb/status/gifb
    • allow everything starting with /bred/publicweb/status/gifb/

    Redirect means there is a 302 response to client who send a new request with new URI!


  • I guess this code may do what expected


    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
        if { [HTTP::host] equals "" && [HTTP::path] equals "/" } {     
            HTTP::redirect "/bred/publicweb/status/gifb[HTTP::uri]"
            } elseif {[HTTP::uri] equals "/bred/publicweb/status/gifb" } {
        HTTP::respond 403 content {request rejected}