Forum Discussion

Re: F5 BIG IP LTM VE tmm re

Hi Fouad,

did you pick the OVA and loaded it into your ESXi ? and checked compatibilty with your ESXi version ?

and when you start the VE from the OVA, be sure to not upgrade the ovftools inside your VE.


  • fouad's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    Hi Philipe,


    Yes the ESXI is compatible with my version of F5 LTM, and I did not upgraded the ovftools in my VM.

    The broadcast are happening right after the boot.


    If I try to get the mac adress from my interface with this command :


    tmsh list net interface


    The broadcast message start for sure every time ...


    Best Regards,

    • fouad's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Hi again,


      I checked the file /var/log/tmm and I have this error message all over the file


      <13> Jan 28 08:11:10 node-02 notice map_tmm_memory: set_mempolicy 0 node 0x0 failed 22 (Invalid argument)


      Hmm seems to be a memory problem ....