Forum Discussion

Gunavant_Patil_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 31, 2017

RDP Sessions exceeding limit through F5.

Hi I have VIP over the RDP port 3389 to accept RDP connections for 15 terminal servers in backed. In configuration we have connection limit set to 60 for each server accordingly we have limit of 900 ...
  • Hannes_Rapp_162's avatar
    Jan 01, 2018

    RDP session requires connection persistence unless the RDP servers are clustered and mirror session information to one-another. Depending on the exact setup, BigIP may have initiated 1 connection to each server while just one connection carries meaningful RDP session information to a single server. Can you check connection tables or do a measured test during off-peak hours to see how many pool member counters increase when you initiate a RDP session?

    For fix. Give a try with following settings and see if the problem persist. Source IP persistence profile (Virtual Server setting), Least Sessions load-balancing algorithm (Pool setting). Source IP persistence can probably be replaced with something better but for initial test it's good enough. As you apply changes, old connections should be killed to see immediate effect, otherwise they will continue to function with previous configuration until timed out. To kill all connections to a particular Virtual Server, use

    tmsh delete /sys connection cs-server-addr VS.IP.AD.DR cs-server-port 3389