Forum Discussion

AlexS_yb's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Aug 22, 2022


looks to me like HTTP/3 is coming to all, I like some of the features. But how do I get http/3 /quic and LTM + APM + WAF


I get that http/2 is available and LTM only. I presume http/3 will be roughly the same.

I'm guessing but if I want to could I

create a VS with http3 and all it does it then reverse proxy to another VS and on the second VS I can do APM / WAF.


internet -> VS / HTTP3 / LTM -> VS / HTTP1.1 / LTM /APM / WAF -> resource pool


does that work does the second VS see the client ip - will APM work in that scenario ?


When it http/3 going to be fully supported LTM/APM/WAF ?



  • Hi,

    looking for the same here.
    Try to enable QUIC - HTTP/3 on on LTM based on K60235402 with attached Access Policy / Access Profile and Connectivity Profile.
    But got an:

    01070734:3: Configuration error: Profile(s) found on <...>_vs that are not allowed: Only (TCP Profile, UDP Profile, QUIC Profile, ClientSSL Profile, ServerSSL Profile, HTTP Profile, HTTP2 Profile, HTTP3 Profile, HTTP Compression Profile, Application Visibility and Reporting Profile, DNS Profile, DOH Proxy Profile, profile statistics, Protection Profile, Bot Defense Profile, Bot Defense ASM Profile, Web Security Profile, HTTP Router Profile, Web Accelerator Profile, Request Logging Profile, TDR Profile)

    Running currently on TMOS

    Is QUIC - HTTP/3 with required HTTP MRF Router not supported on LTM with attached APM?

    Thanks in advance! ✌️

    • AlexS_yb's avatar
      Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

      But no APM ?


      so do i still need 

      internet -> VS / HTTP3 / LTM -> VS / HTTP1.1 / LTM /APM / WAF -> resource pool