Forum Discussion

Filip_Verlaeckt's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Sep 17, 2009

Queuing client requests on bigip




I need to solve the following issue.


Say I have 1000 simultaneous requests (POSTs) to my single webserver which can process - say - 10 requests per second. Is there a way to put the 990 remaining requests in a queue to spoon feed the server?


What is the easiest way to accomplish this sort of buffering?







2 Replies

  • Hi Filip,



    I don't think there is a safe method to queue HTTP requests on LTM. This has been discussed a few times. This post has some possible options:





  • Colin_Walker_12's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    The nearest to this that I've seen done wouldn't work with POSTs, only GETs.



    The method was to count the connections to the server and when the threshold was reached, insert a custom cookie then use HTTP::respond to send back a "please hold" type queuing page to the user that had a built in meta refresh. The cookie could then be used to prioritize those that have already been queued (or those that have been queued more than x times, or whatever you wanted), allowing them in first when the server had more free connections.


