Forum Discussion
Querying SNMP data for half-open connections on a virtual server
Hi Fluzocapacitor,
Keeping server side connection open even after the client side connection already been closed is a KNOWN BUG which was fixed in 11.6.x
Known Issue
Archived - K15973: Server-side TCP connections may remain half-open if the client-side connection closes early
I dont think there are SNMP MIBs for monitoring half open connections, but you can check in Pools there is a TCP Half Open monitor that can be applied.
The f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_monitor_tcp_half_open module can be used to manage F5 BIG-IP LTM TCP half-open monitors. This module is part of the f5networks.f5_modules collection version 1.27.1 and requires BIG-IP software version 12 or higher. Some parameters of the module include:
- description: A string describing the monitor
- interval: An integer that specifies how often the monitor instance will run
- ip: An IP address that is part of the IP/port definition
- name: The monitor name
You can use the following commands to view and delete the current or active connections
K53851362: Displaying and deleting BIG-IP connection table entries from the command line
K40033505: Explaining the output of tmsh show sys connection
tmsh show /sys connection
TMSH command to list all the options & properties with the show /sys connection command
tmsh show /sys connection ?
all-properties Display all properties for the specified items
default Units are determined based on current values
exa All values are displayed in exa-units
gig All values are displayed in giga-units
kil All values are displayed in kilo-units
meg All values are displayed in mega-units
peta All values are displayed in peta-units
raw No conversions are made to any values
save-to-file Output from the command is saved to the specified file. -
This file is placed in /shared. This allows to write a file larger than 2GB.
tera All values are displayed in tera-units
yotta All values are displayed in yotta-units
zetta All values are displayed in zetta-units
| Route command output to a filter
"{" Optional delimiter
age Specifies the age, in seconds, of a connection
cs-client-addr Specifies the clientside remote address of the active connections
cs-client-port Specifies the clientside remote port of the active connections
cs-server-addr Specifies the clientside local address of the active connections
cs-server-port Specifies the clientside local port of the active connections
protocol Specifies the protocol used for specified connections (for example: tcp, udp)
ss-client-addr Specifies the serverside local address of the active connections
ss-client-port Specifies the serverside local port of the active connections
ss-server-addr Specifies the serverside remote address of the active connections
ss-server-port Specifies the serverside remote port of the active connections
Using my example output line above we will label each part of the output:
Client Side
cs-client-addr:cs-client-port cs-server-addr:cs-server-port
Server Side
ss-client-addr:ss-client-port ss-server-addr:ss-server-port
The protocol used, the age of the connection, and which traffic management microkernel was used
tcp 14 (tmm: 6) none
protocol age tmm used
How to delete a connection from the F5 BIG-IP connection table?
To delete active connections in the BIG-IP connection table you can key on any of the property value(s). For example, if I wanted to delete all connections a user was initiating to the BIG-IP you would specify the users IP as the client side client address like this:
TMSH command to delete all connections initiated from a specific client IP
tmsh delete /sys connection cs-client-addr
TMSH command to delete ALL connections in a F5 BIG-IP - Careful, you're going to kill EVERY session.
tmsh delete /sys connection
Make sure you check out the “all-properties” option, it has a load of great information, including how many bits the connection has pushed, and its’ age & idle-timeout. Lets take a look at the output:
TMSH command to show all details about a particular conneciton, including how much traffic, bits in and out, a connection has used
tmsh show /sys connection cs-client-addr 172-10.50.20 all-properties - - -
Type self
Acceleration none
Protocol tcp
Idle Time 9
Idle Timeout 300
Unit ID 0
Lasthop /Common/internal 00:0d:3a:3a:25:20
Virtual Path
Conn Id 0
ClientSide ServerSide
Client Addr
Server Addr
Bits In 3.0K 1.3K
Bits Out 1.3K 3.0K
Packets In 4 3
Packets Out 3 4
- fluzocapacitorJun 18, 2024Altocumulus
Thank you for the detailed information and the helpful links.
It’s good to know about the known bug and its fix in version 11.6.x. However, I am not affected by bug K15973 as I am running version 15.1.10.
I appreciate the suggestion to use the TCP Half Open monitor. I understand that this monitor would help in monitoring the connections between the virtual server and the pool nodes. However, my main interest is in monitoring the connections between the clients and the virtual server. A SYN flood attack would cause issues on the load balancer itself, not on the backend nodes.
I also appreciate the commands to view and delete active connections. I have used the following command to check the number of connections:
show /sys connection cs-server-addr Sys::Connections tcp 16 (tmm: 0) server-side(none) none tcp 28 (tmm: 0) none none tcp 39 (tmm: 0) both-sides(none;none) none ... tcp 2 (tmm: 1) none none tcp 6 (tmm: 1) none none Total records returned: 1000
Although there are 1000 established connections, my main interest is in half-open connections, as these are the ones that trigger the SYN cookie mechanism. According to the documentation, these half-open connections appear as "Current SYN Cache" in the output of the show ltm virtual <virtual> command.
Just to clarify, is there a specific OID or SNMP method to directly monitor the number of half-open connections between the clients and the virtual server, or would the TCP Half Open monitor still be the best approach to track this metric?
Thank you again for your assistance!
Best regards,
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