Forum Discussion

Pavlos_Parissis's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 25, 2012

Query cluster status over SNMP

Hi all,



I am trying to find out if a node is either in Active or in Standby status using SNMP but when I query sysClusterTable I get nothing back



snmptable -r 1 -r 1 -v2c -c public lb01 sysClusterTable


sysClusterTable: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> sysClusterTable)



According to MIB file I am querying the correct table



[root@lb01:Standby] config grep -A 20 sysClusterTable /usr/share/snmp/mibs/F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB.txt


sysClusterTable OBJECT-TYPE




MAX-ACCESS not-accessible


STATUS current




"A table containing cluster information of the system."


::= { sysCluster 2 }



sysClusterEntry OBJECT-TYPE


SYNTAX SysClusterEntry


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible


STATUS current




"Columns in the sysCluster Table"








::= { sysClusterTable 1 }



SysClusterEntry ::=




sysClusterName LongDisplayString,


sysClusterEnabled INTEGER,


sysClusterFloatMgmtIpType InetAddressType,


sysClusterFloatMgmtIp InetAddress,


sysClusterFloatMgmtNetmaskType InetAddressType,


sysClusterFloatMgmtNetmask InetAddress,


sysClusterMinUpMbrs Integer32,


sysClusterMinUpMbrsEnable INTEGER,


sysClusterMinUpMbrsAction INTEGER,


sysClusterAvailabilityState INTEGER,


sysClusterEnabledStat INTEGER,


sysClusterDisabledParentType Integer32,


sysClusterStatusReason LongDisplayString,


sysClusterHaState INTEGER,


sysClusterPriSlotId INTEGER,


sysClusterLastPriSlotId INTEGER,


sysClusterPriSelTime Counter64



Any ideas how I can get this piece of information over SNMP?









  • Found it via our support channel,


    The F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB file contains an OID,, that can be queried through SNMP to determine the failover status of a BIG-IP LTM. The . OID (referenced as sysAttrFailoverUnitMask within the MIB) uses an integer value to specify whether the BIG-IP LTM pair is in active/standby mode or active-active mode.



    In an active/standby configuration, the active unit is reported as a value of 3, and the standby unit as a value of 0.



    In an active-active configuration, both units will be active, and the value returned will either be 1 for Unit 1, or 2 for Unit 2.



    To determine the failover status of your BIG-IP LTM from the command line, use the following syntax:



    snmpget -v 2c -c localhost .



    For example:



    snmpget -On -v 2c -c public localhost .


    . = INTEGER: 3





    • Peter_Soppe_715's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      I am unable to reproduce this on an BigIP 1600 - 11.5.1 HF6 Cluster: [admin@lb1:Active:In Sync] log snmpget -v 2c -c xxx localhost . F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB::sysAttrFailoverUnitMask.0 = INTEGER: 0 [admin@lb2:Standby:In Sync] log snmpget -v 2c -c xxx localhost . F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB::sysAttrFailoverUnitMask.0 = INTEGER: 0 According to the MIB file (/usr/local/www/docs/mibs/mibs_f5.tar.gz) this is deprecated and you should query another OID: sysCmTrafficGroupStatus [admin@lb1:Active:In Sync] log snmpget -v 2c -c xxx localhost . F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB::sysCmFailoverStatusSummary.0 = STRING: 1/1 active [admin@lb2:Standby:In Sync] log snmpget -v 2c -c xxx localhost . F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB::sysCmFailoverStatusSummary.0 = STRING: 1/1 standby This works in my setup.
  • I believe that sysAttrFailoverUnitMask (OID is now deprecated as off 11.6 HF5.


    According to this KB article sysCmFailoverStatusId should now be used (OID