Nov 05, 2018Nimbostratus
python show running-config
I am trying to get a Python script to output the running config of my F5, to show everything from authentication to pools to ntp settings. With TMSH/SSH it's so easy doing 'show running-config' and then saving that output. Is there anything similar to this that I can do with the Python F5-SDK? I am trying to generate this in a cleaner fashion than 'show running-config' does it as I use this for PCI compliance evidence. Any help would be appreciated. To muddy the waters a bit I am EXTREMELY new to F5 products.
I was able to get the running config to show with Python, please see the code below:
from f5.bigip import ManagementRoot mgmt = ManagementRoot("your_f5_ip", 'username', 'password') x = mgmt.tm.util.bash.exec_cmd('run', utilCmdArgs='-c "tmsh show running-config"') print(x.commandResult)