Forum Discussion
Dec 29, 2010Nimbostratus
pycontrol to set certificate/key for ssl profile
Sorry for the triple post last question...... My browser appeared to timeout so I thought submission was failing..
I have noticed that it is not possible to create a new profile and set the ...
Dec 30, 2010Nimbostratus
Andy: yep, looks like you've tracked it down, thanks for the link. Can you do us a favor? Open up a case with support and request that you be attached to CR70232. This will help move it along (the more customers we hang off of these the better).
The work around isn't ideal, for sure. BUT, good work working around it anyhow! It's good to know that at the very least it won't be a show stopper for you. For future work, and for whenever this gets fixed (currently targeted for our next feature release), I'd suggest wrapping this up in a def so you can change it later without any heavy rework of the stuff you're writing now.
Thanks again for your activity, sleuth work, and using pyControl. I've got a new version ready to finish off and ship, but I've got no ETA as of now because of my dayjob...either way, the big 'add' is support for our ARX systems so it won't affect what you're doing now.
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